Sunday, August 10, 2014

Harnett Man Announces Candidacy for US President

Harnett Man Announces Candidacy for US President

Gary A. House

I turned on my computer the other day and an announcement from local historian, author, house mover, entrepreneur, and US patriot Bryan Keith Avery popped up on my computer screen claiming that he intends to run for President of the United States of America.

Mr. Avery is one of the most patriotic men that I have ever met.  He, no doubt, grew up with parents that instilled national pride and Christian values in him.  He grew up believing he could be President of the United States of America.

Mr. Avery’s campaign will be run without money.  It will be run on social media.  Money has destroyed our political system.  If you do not have money or the ability to raise millions of dollars, you no longer have much chance to represent your neighbors in the USA.  Political Action Groups, ruthless political consultants and special interests have destroyed the fairness in our electoral process.  Please help Mr. Avery prove that statement wrong and spread his word.

Why would Mr. Avery want to be President of the United States?  I have not discussed it with him but I know Mr. Avery well enough to know that when he sees something wrong, he wants to fix it.  Obviously, Mr. Avery sees something wrong in the United States of America and the world.  He believes he can overhaul the sputtering engine of the greatest nation ever.

Where would Mr. Avery start his work as President?  What would the USA look like under Mr. Avery’s leadership?  It would be a massive undertaking but Mr. Avery is always up for a challenge.

I believe the first thing Mr. Avery would do is to declare the USA a Christian state.  Other religions would be tolerated but Jesus Christ would be the Lord of the Land.  Prayer would be returned to schools.  The Ten Commandments would be in US Government buildings.  Christians would no longer be discriminated against in our own country.

Mr. Avery would restore the pride in raising an American family.  Fathers would once again be in the homes of their children helping the mothers guide their children to the righteous way to live their lives.  Families would once again be a cohesive unit.  Kids would be returned to the right path.  With a strong family and church fiber, they would resist the temptation of evil, violence, drugs, alcohol and gangs.

Being a strong patriot, Mr. Avery would restore pride in what the USA was built on and used to stand for.  We are the greatest democracy ever in the world.  Mr. Avery would never let us forget it.  Mr. Avery would preach the words of our founding fathers.  He would restore who we are as a Nation and as a People.

Our Constitution would once again be followed. 

Mr. Avery, a devout Christian, would recognize our role in the world and would act as a peacemaker for all of the unrest in the world.  Mr. Avery would not allow Christians to be persecuted and murdered throughout the world.  Even though it may seem impossible, I believe Mr. Avery would find a peaceful way to settle the disputes of the world.

Even with peace embedded in his heart, Mr. Avery would ensure that the American military was strong enough to protect our homeland and our People.  Our borders would be protected from terrorists, illegal immigrants, and drug smugglers who put our Nation at risk. 

Americans would have the right to bear arms. 

Being a protector of life, an unborn fetus would be recognized as a living human being.

Marriage would be the union of one man and one woman.

All welfare recipients would be required to have mandatory drug tests.  Positive tests would allow the users to get the professional help they need in order to get their life back to once again join the workforce.

Mr. Avery would make the US Government as small as possible and the least intrusive as possible.  If feasible, I am certain the Internal Revenue Service would be disbanded.  The money you earn would be yours after the essential needs of the USA are met.  I have no doubt that Americans would not mind paying our fair share of the essential needs after Mr. Avery eliminated the waste from our spending.

If Mr. Avery could accomplish all of these things, the USA and the world would be a much better place, peace would returned, our families would be strong, and the Holy Spirit would circle the globe.

On the seventh day, President Avery would rest.

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