Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why Rotate the County Chairman?

Why Rotate the County Chairperson?

By: Vice Chairman Gary A. House

Harnett County's Board of Commissioners are composed of five individuals elected by geographic districts within Harnett County.

At the first meeting in December of each year, the Board reorganizes and elects its chairperson for the upcoming year.  The chairperson has no duties greater than any of the other commissioners other than the right to call a special meeting, the right to conduct a meeting, the right to help set the agenda, and the right to sign documents on behalf of the Board.  Other than those items, all commissioners are equal, should be treated equal, and should have equal access to information.

In four of my seven years on the Board, the Board elected the same chairperson at its annual reorganization meeting---Chairperson Tim McNeill.  I have met no one that claimed that this was healthy for the county.  As a matter of fact, I never felt that there was equality among the board members during that four year reign.  Lack of equality breeds dysfunction. 

Once a chairperson feels too much power and claims authority over the county manager, problems occur.  Relationships all get out of whack.

Commissioner Jim Burgin and I have discussed the effects of re-electing the same chairperson year after year on several occasions.  We both believed, or at least I thought we believed, that the chairperson should be rotated each year.

For these reasons, I have requested that County Manager Tommy Burns come up with language in our Rules and Procedures that would require the rotation of the county chairpersonship each December.  

Several other counties have implemented this policy and I have no doubt that it breeds equality and healthy relationships.

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