Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Governor McCrory's Education Plan

Governor McCrory's Education Plan

Governor McCroy's Education Plan
Vice Chairman Gary A. House
Harnett County Board of Commissioners

After several discussions with teachers about their perceptions of Governor Pat McCrory's announcement on education, I wrote a blog yesterday about our veteran teachers and their feelings of abandonment.

Even though one of the Governor's staffers told me otherwise, I believe that I was complimentary to Governor McCrory in my blog.  I do believe Governor McCrory will look after our veteran teachers as he has for our new teachers.  Even though it is difficult, teachers need to be patient.  More than likely, his master plan will take more than a year to implement.

He chose to start with merit pay to the top teachers and increased salaries for new teachers.  Even though I believe the allocated money should have included all of our teachers, I am not privy to his master plan or how long it will take to implement.

I received tremendous feedback from my blog yesterday.  It is true that most teachers from whom I heard think that the entire Governor's plan has been revealed and the veteran teachers were left out.

 I do believe that that the entire plan is not yet known to the public.

 I  want Governor McCrory to know what our teachers are thinking and how they are feeling.

I voted for Governor McCrory and I support him. I am willing to give him the time to correct the problems we have but compensation to our veteran teachers needs to be at the top of the priority list.

Governor McCrory needs to understand that his announcement upset a lot of educators and there are many eyes on his education plan.

I am anxiously awaiting to see the entire education plan presented to the public.

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