Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Value of Human Life

Where Do Democrats Stand on The Value of Human Life?

I found it interesting today to read an article on presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren. According to the article, Warren said we should all value Human Life. Yet, she supports abortion.

What Human Life was she referring to? Was she referring to the illegal immigrants coming across our border? She certainly was not talking about Human Life inside the womb.

I remember sitting in college in a BioEthics class and the topic was abortion.  I sat there frozen. I could not participate.  I had never really thought about the issue very much.  But the more I hear the Democrats and the Left talk about abortion. the more it drives me to the conclusion that aborting a fetus is wrong. 

A Human Life is started when there is a hear beat detected in the womb. That heart beat deserves protection and that child has a right to live. 

It does not make sense to me where people like Warren can talk about the value of Human Life but yet support abortion.  Do people like her actually listen to themselves? They are quick to defend people coming across our borders illegally. They talk about the inhumane conditions at the border. Yet, they are quick to support destroying a fetus with a Human heart beat. The illegal aliens coming across our border made a conscious decision to break our laws except for the children that have been drug a long so the illegal aliens could stay in our country.  The child with a heart beat inside the mother's womb did not make a conscious decision to be here and cannot speak for himself/herself.

Once this child has a heart beat, he/she deserves the right to life.  The more I hear the Democrats and the Left talk, the more I believe this to be true.

All Human Life deserves to be protected.  Even the illegal aliens coming across our border should be protected and housed in humane conditions.  But that does not give the right to stay in our country just that their lives should be protected while they are here.

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