Thursday, February 20, 2014

Challenges Before Me Past and Present

Challenges Before Me Past and Present

By Vice Chairman Gary A. House

Upon deciding that I wanted to be a county commissioner eight years ago, I have faced many challenges. One of the most daunting challenges was facing a 16 year incumbent in a primary.  With help and energy from many friends, I prevailed in that election.  My opponent in that primary  a few years later came to me and thanked me for taking that seat.  He said if he had continued to be a commissioner, it would have killed him.

It is a much more demanding position than most people realize.  Especially, if you are a "Boots on the Ground" commissioner like I have tried to be.  It does take a lot of time and energy.  

One of the main reasons that I decided that I wanted to be a county commissioner was to ensure there was transparency and no backroom deals.  I do believe that the residents of Harnett County see much more transparency than they have seen in the past. Harnett County residents are more informed than ever before.  I have brought many problems to the fore front that have long been comfortably under a rug.  When issues did not seem to be above board, I spoke out. I never just sat on my hands and turned my head.

This open approach apparently was not the norm in the past.  A new, open style did not bode well with some in power.

As I began to unravel Harnett County, some people became very disenchanted with what I was finding. Frivolous lawsuits were filed against me in an attempt to force me to back off.  I am made of much stronger fiber than to succumb to that kind of pressure.  Much to the dismay of those few, I survived the attack on my character and the attempts to keep me quiet and to force my resignation.  Those lawsuits failed to achieve their goals because they were without merit.

Many people have told me that they would not have gone through those ordeals.  But I made a commitment to you, the people of Harnett County, to represent your interests in the best way I know how.  I have honored that commitment and I am a much stronger person for it.

One of my next challenges is in an upcoming election in May 2014.  My opponent is a seasoned politician who, no doubt, will work hard to gain this seat.

I have always viewed the seat as district 2 commissioner as a seat of you, the people, who so graciously allow me to occupy it on your behalf.  I have always been fair.  I have voted for what, in my conscience, was in the best interest of Harnett County.  My agenda is serving you.  I have stayed away from special interest groups.  I sent a strong message early in my tenure that I do not play ball.  As a result, people do not come to me for favors that are not in the best interest of the county.  

If given the opportunity, I will continue to bring these attributes to the table as your commissioner.  I will be a strong advocate for my constituents.  

I humbly ask you for  your vote on May 6, 2014.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Governor McCrory's Education Plan

Governor McCrory's Education Plan

Governor McCroy's Education Plan
Vice Chairman Gary A. House
Harnett County Board of Commissioners

After several discussions with teachers about their perceptions of Governor Pat McCrory's announcement on education, I wrote a blog yesterday about our veteran teachers and their feelings of abandonment.

Even though one of the Governor's staffers told me otherwise, I believe that I was complimentary to Governor McCrory in my blog.  I do believe Governor McCrory will look after our veteran teachers as he has for our new teachers.  Even though it is difficult, teachers need to be patient.  More than likely, his master plan will take more than a year to implement.

He chose to start with merit pay to the top teachers and increased salaries for new teachers.  Even though I believe the allocated money should have included all of our teachers, I am not privy to his master plan or how long it will take to implement.

I received tremendous feedback from my blog yesterday.  It is true that most teachers from whom I heard think that the entire Governor's plan has been revealed and the veteran teachers were left out.

 I do believe that that the entire plan is not yet known to the public.

 I  want Governor McCrory to know what our teachers are thinking and how they are feeling.

I voted for Governor McCrory and I support him. I am willing to give him the time to correct the problems we have but compensation to our veteran teachers needs to be at the top of the priority list.

Governor McCrory needs to understand that his announcement upset a lot of educators and there are many eyes on his education plan.

I am anxiously awaiting to see the entire education plan presented to the public.

Veteran Teachers Under Appreciated????

Veteran Teachers Under Appreciated in NC???

By Vice Chairman Gary A. House
Harnett County Board of Commissioners

I read a news  report yesterday about North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory raising the starting pay for new teachers in North Carolina by 14%.  I applaud Governor McCrory for raising the starting pay for our  young teachers.  It is, without a doubt, something that needed to be done.

I have personally sat down with Governor McCrory on two occasions and broke bread with him.  I found him to be a highly intelligent man who was willing to listen.  No, I cannot call the Governor's mansion and say "Hey Pat, can you do the same thing for our veteran teachers?"  I wish that I could.  There is no doubt in my mind that he would not remember me any more than he would remember your great, great grandmother.

Since I believe Governor McCrory to be a highly intelligent man, I believe that he has a much bigger plan and he only unveiled part of it yesterday. There is no way he will leave our veteran teachers out of his plan.  If he does, he will be a one term and done Governor.

After reading that news report, I talked with several of our veteran teachers in Harnett County just to make sure I read the news report the same way they did.  Sure enough they interpreted the announcement as a lack of respect and appreciation for our veteran teachers.  I have heard chatter about an uprising and teachers moving on to other professions.

I still believe there has to be more coming.  If this is the whole plan, Governor McCrory needs to be educated in the roles that our veteran teachers assume often voluntarily in our educational system.


Veteran teachers are the ones who complete mentorships, sit on school improvement committees, lead grade level planning, problem solve student learning and behavioral issues, analyze data and create intervention strategies.

There are numerous committees that have to be served on within the school setting and veteran teachers provide this guidance.  In addition, some schools have AIG committees that meet to discuss serving the needs of gifted students. Problem solving committees serve to meet the needs of struggling students.  There are numerous hours spent brainstorming on how to reach parents and community leaders.  

Teachers often write grants that provide food, clothing and coat closets, etc.   I personally know of a school who grows a community garden for families to participate in order to provide healthy, affordable food choices. Good veteran teachers recognize the needs of the whole child--academically, socially, emotionally, and physically and they strive to satisfy these needs.

Teachers provide parents and students with homework help, tutoring, and suggestions to help young learners at home.

I have often observed teachers at night grading papers and writing lesson plans.  I have observed them performing functions at sporting events and extracurricular activities.  Teachers' duties have increased significantly with Common Core testing.  You would be amazed at what I saw while proctoring a few weeks ago.

Typically, veteran teachers are  the leaders of Planning Learning Teams and observe other teachers.  

Veteran teachers have the experience necessary to manage the academic success of the students.

And all of the stated above is only the tip of the iceberg in what our veteran teachers do.  

New and veteran educators truly serve the community.  All educators deserve respect, appreciation and fair compensation.

As stated earlier, I believe Governor McCrory to be a highly intelligent man and I am anxiously awaiting to hear his plan for our veteran teachers and raising education in North Carolina much higher levels on the chart.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Promise to Keep Fighting for Harnett Residents

Vice Chairman Gary House Files for Reelection, Promises to Keep Fighting for Harnett Residents

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                               
February 10, 2014      

LILLINGTON, NC – Vice Chairman Gary House filed for reelection today.  Acknowledging recent character attacks against him, Vice Chairman House said, “I wanted to file for reelection today to send a strong message that I intend to continue fighting for my constituents and against the corruption and special interests that have a stranglehold on our county.”

Vice Chairman House has served on the Board of Commissioners since 2006 and has often been the lone voice on the Commission asking tough questions and seeking the truth.  This has led to a number of frivolous character attacks on Vice Chairman House, including baseless lawsuits aimed at destroying his character. For his part, Vice Chairman House said he will not be deterred by the special interests’ attacks on him. 

“When you stand up against the corruption and special interest groups in this county they will do everything to destroy you and your character.  There is a history and pattern of this behavior by the entrenched interests in Harnett County, but I will neither be dissuaded nor intimidated by these attacks.  I will continue to stand strong for the people of my district and Harnett County,” said Vice Chairman House.

Since taking office in 2006, Vice Chairman House has fought for expanded, quality healthcare including mental healthcare for Harnett County.  He has fought for a sound budget while keeping taxes as low as feasible.  He has worked diligently for seven years to restore inpatient mental health beds in Harnett County, which has become a reality.  Being a supporter for our children, Vice Chairman House vows to continue to advocate for our school system in his attempt to ease overcrowding and to increase the quality of the education of our children.

After filing for reelection, Vice Chairman House told a group of supporters how thankful he is to have their support and prayers.  “Thank you for your prayers and continued support.  It means a lot to know I have so many people behind me, supporting me through everything,” Vice Chairman House said.

Gary House is a CPA, and small business owner.  In addition to serving on the Harnett County Board of Commissioners he serves on many boards including Sandhills Center (mental Health in our region), Habitat for Humanity, Library Board, Averasboro Travel and Tourism, Spectrum Connection (children with disabilities), Cape Fear River Assembly, Good Hope Behavioral Health Services, and the Airport Committee among others.  

He is a former graduate of Leadership Harnett and has served as its chairman.  He is a 20 year veteran coach of youth athletics in Harnett County and currently coaches the Harnett County Venom, a 13 and under travel baseball team that practices and plays year round. In addition, he has served as President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Dunn.   He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Vice Chairman House resides in Dunn with his wife, Gina, and their two children and is a member of Erwin United Methodist Church.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Zero Tax Rate in Harnett County??? Will Refunds Be Issued???

Zero Tax Rate In Harnett County???
Will Refunds Be Issued???

By Vice Chairman Gary A. House

On June 27, 2013, in an attempt to compromise with other county commissioners, I made a motion to approve the 2013-2014 budget with no tax increase with the modification that any excess revenues over expenditures in the General Fund would be placed in a newly created Capital Reserve Fund for school construction, renovation and repair.  Even though my goal was to bring the ones who wanted to raise taxes for the schools and those who did not want to raise taxes together in compromise, the motion was approved 3 to 2.

The residents of Harnett County received no tax increase and a promise to start funding the capital needs of our school system which is literally busting at the seams in several areas of the county.

I waited very anxiously to see how much our fund balance would increase according to our 2012-2013 annual audit.  I asked our finance director numerous times how much did it look like our fund balance would increase.  She always told me not to get excited but it looked like it would be in the $2.6 million range.

When the audit was delivered to us in December of 2013 , it showed that our general fund balance actually increased $4.6 million.   Now, after the $2.4 million dollars it took to fund the 2013-2014 General Fund budget, $2.2 million was left designated to go into this Capital Reserve Fund for schools.  

I have brought this issue up three times at Board meetings since.  I even asked at the Board meetings for this amendment with the exact dollar amount to be brought to us for approval.  Since it had not been presented to us, I prepared it myself and presented it this week.

Our finance officer seemed puzzled that I would make a motion for a budget amendment to fund our schools.  She chimed in and stated that the motion that I made on June 27, 2013 was against government and municipal rules because it did not give a definitive amount at that time of the motion.  The motion was very specific.  We all understood that the exact number would be taken from the audit to be presented  later in the year.

At no time over the next seven months did anyone from the County including the finance officer, attorneys, or fellow commissioners ever suggest that the motion to approve the budget with the modification of creating a Capital Reserve Fund to be funded the first year by the excess revenues over expenditures of the 2012-2013 year was not valid.

Hypothetically, giving our finance director the benefit of the doubt and assuming that my motion to adopt the General Fund budget was in fact not permissible, the Board has never legally voted on a budget for 2013-2014.  The County has made expenditures for seven months erroneously under the pre-audit requirement because it technically does not have a budget.  If part of my motion is not permissible, the whole motion is not permissible.  At no time in the last seven months has anyone brought up this issue.

Since the adoption of the budget also sets the tax rate and the date to pass the tax rate has already passed, the tax rate must be zero.  The property taxes assessed/paid in 2013-14 were assessed at at 72.5 cent per $100 dollars of valuation rate.  Shouldn't those property taxes be refunded since a tax rate was never set?

The Board cannot have it both ways.  Either the original budget approved is valid or we have no current budget or tax rate.  The County cannot accept half of the motion and not the other half.  

By a 3 to 2 vote, we promised the residents of our county we would fund this Capital Reserve Fund.  Others may renege on their promise but I will not.

Our schools are in need of help.  I have voted against the budget in the past stating that I did not think we were doing enough for the schools.  It is beyond the  time that eyes were opened and we see the affect that lack of funding is having on our schools, our children, our community and our workforce.

I receive lots of calls from concerned parents particularly in one of the most overcrowded schools in District 2, my County Commissioner district.  I also talk with as many teachers as I can.  Our issues in the school system run deep.  Overcrowding and poor teacher retention in some schools are problems that must be solved.  

We cannot expect to attract and retain quality teachers when we have overcrowded schools and the lowest supplements in any county surrounding us.  The conditions of the schools do affect the quality of education that we can provide to our students.

It will take a joint effort between the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, the Harnett County Board of Education and the community to compromise in the resolution of these issues that we have in educating our students.

Do I think the county budget is invalid and the county tax rate is zero based on a technicality?  NO.  Do I think tax refunds will be issued?  DEFINITELY NOT.

 But I do believe the Harnett County Government should step up and honor its commitment to fund the Capital Reserve Fund for our schools....