Monday, June 2, 2014

Susan Byerly vs. David Lewis

Susan Byerly vs. David Lewis

Vice Chairman Gary A. House
Harnett County Board of Commissioners

The general election coming up in November for our Representative for NC House intrigues me.

Political newcomer Democrat Susan Byerly is challenging Republican incumbent David Lewis for this seat.

I have known David Lewis for several years.  Our sons are the same age.  They played travel baseball together a few years ago.  David and I both coached our sons' basketball team a couple of years ago too.  Our kids have had sleepovers at our houses.

I have sought advice from Lewis on several occasions.

I have always like Lewis.  I have supported him in every election except one.  I could not bring myself to vote for him one time because of a mailer he sent out that I did not think was truthful.

I have known Byerly for several years as well.  Byerly and I attend the same church.  I know that she is a good, Christian lady.  I became particularly fond of her youngest son when he was in high school for two reasons---he was a great kid and he was so kind to my much younger son.

Byerly is a Democrat and I am a Republican.  There are obviously some political differences between us.

I have had an internal debate about who to support in this election---Byerly or Lewis.  I have examined the pros and cons of who will get my vote.

Being a Conservative Republican, I lean strongly to the right in most cases.  

Recent developments in Lewis' behavior has cast some doubt in my mind.  Based on my observations, in my opinion, Lewis has become drunk with power.  He has brought the country club mentality to the Republican Party in Harnett County.  I do not believe that he serves the hard-working people of Harnett County like he once did.  He has become enamored with the glitz and glitter of being an elected official who dares not to deviate from the Tillis party directives.

Last week, Lewis attempted to usurp the authority of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and the Harnett County Board of Education by attaching language to a local bill from Duplin County.  He attempted to sneak it through the General Assembly without either Board knowing.  However, both Boards found out AFTER the NC House passed it but before the NC Senate heard it.  Both the County Board and the County School Board passed resolutions today opposing having Harnett County included in  House Bill 1108.

If  NC Senator Ron Rabin is the honorable man I think he is, he will strike Harnett County from House Bill 1108 like the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and the Harnett County Board of Education have asked him to do.

Usual protocol would have the County Boards to pass resolutions asking the State Representatives to introduce bills on the Boards behalf.  Neither Board was notified that Harnett County was being added to House Bill 1108. Even though I have trouble believing it, no commissioner admitted asking Lewis to add Harnett County.  Lewis apparently acted on his own without any prompting.  

Lewis attempted to take voting power away from duly elected Harnett County officials, which is not ethically correct.

Even though a political newcomer, Byerly has shown me the passion and desire to serve the hard-working people of Harnett County.  I know Byerly well enough to know that she would not try to sneak anything past the people of Harnett County while they are not looking.  

From being a former educator and principal, Byerly is well versed on the needs of our educational system.  I have deep concerns about the education of our children in Harnett County.  I believe Byerly and I see eye to eye on this issue.  Byerly will fight for our children, our teachers, and our school system.

Even though Byerly is a Democrat, I believe that she shares Conservative values with me.

After weighing many factors, Lewis' behavior has made this election for NC House a Non-Partisan race in my eyes.

The Lewis for NC House sign will remain in my garage this year.  A Byerly for NC House sign will be planted in my front yard.

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