Thursday, July 3, 2014

Being Videoed Will Not Deter Me

Being Videoed Will Not Deter Me
Vice Chairman Gary A. House
Harnett County Board of Commissioners

I recently viewed a video of me online of my proposing a tax increase in Harnett County’s 2014-2015 fiscal year budget.

Yes, I saw my friend Roger Farina taping my statements.   He was sitting with the Republican Party Chairperson Maggie Sandrock.  I knew that the proceedings were being recorded to use against me in the future.  No, that threat did not deter me from doing what was right for Harnett County.

Mr. Farina and Mrs. Sandrock rarely attend county board meetings and I would venture to say that neither one realize the severity of the problems Harnett County faces.

Mrs. Sandrock took the podium and stated that four of us commissioners were Republicans and we were elected because we ran on a fiscal conservative platform and we promised not to raise taxes.  I did not even know Mrs. Sandrock when I ran for county commissioner.  I made no promises about never raising taxes.  I have always said coming to the taxpayer would be the last resort.  As a matter of fact, I have fought vehemently in opposition to raising taxes.

Mr. Farina has children in the school system.  I have met them and I know Mr. Farina is concerned about their education.

Mr. Farina did not show in his video that my reasoning was we needed to start applying money toward our overcrowded schools, which affects his children.  Our school issues should have been addressed a long time ago.  Fact is the military/federal government has let us down by not assisting with the impact of the influx of military children in our schools.  Fact is our State Legislature has let us down.  According to the NC County Commissioners Association, the State has diverted $8 million of NC Education Lottery money from the construction of schools in Harnett County since 2009.

Without help from the military/federal government and the State of North Carolina, the burden of educating our children falls to the taxpayers of Harnett County whether Mr. Farina. Mrs. Sandrock, the Republican Party, or anyone else likes it.  There is no denying this fact.

Republican Commissioners Jim Burgin and Gordon Springle offered no alternative plan to begin the process of constructing the schools we need.  Even Commissioner Springle stated in the week before we voted on the budget that he saw the need and could support a 2 ½ cent property tax rate increase.

When it came time to vote, Republicans Burgin and Springle chose to let Republican Commissioners Joe Miller and me and Commissioner Beatrice Hill make the hard decision.  A decision Burgin and Springle knew had to be made but knew would not be popular with some.  They were perfectly content with letting us three vote alone.

Mr. Farina’s video equipment may have influenced Commissioner Springle’s vote, but it did not deter Miller, Hill or me from making the right decision for Harnett County.

Yes, future political resumes may have been enhanced by the dissenters but less digging into our fund balance was prevented for at least one more year.

It is time for all to recognize the severity of the needs of our school system.  The can cannot be kicked down the road any longer.

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