Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Educating Harnett County Youth

Educating Harnett County Youth

By Vice Chairman Gary A. House

During my seven years on the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, we have dealt with tremendous impact from the Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) mostly in the southern and western parts of our county.

In the early years, we were led to believe that the federal government was going to provide $70 to $80 million dollars to help Harnett County with our infrastructure needed to educate our students.

BRAC brought more and more people who enrolled more and more children into our school system.  There was no influx of money that came with the influx on people.  

The State of North Carolina mandates that the county educate all children within Harnett County's borders.
Yet the federal government has never stood up to help us.

On June 27, 2013 during a special session of Harnett County Board of Commissioners, I made a motion to adopt the proposed General Fund budget with the modification of adding a capital reserve fund with the excess of revenues over expenditures for the 2012-13 budget.  The reserve fund is to assist with the construction, repair and renovation of our schools in Harnett County.

With the audit of our financial statements presented to the Board a few weeks ago, the final numbers are in.
Through sound fiscal management, at June 30, 2013, our unassigned General Fund balance is $17,959,942.  The increase in fund balance from the prior year was $4,645,351. This increase represents the excess of revenues over expenditures for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.  At the same time I made the motion for the excess to go into a capital reserve fund for the schools, the budget passed with the County using $2,400,000 to balance the 2013-2014 General Fund; thus, leaving $2,245,351 left of the excess to go into the capital reserve fund for schools.

I have asked for this budget amendment be presented at an upcoming Board of Commissioners' meeting.  I trust that my fellow commissioners will follow suit since the motion to create this fund was approved by vote when the budget was adopted.  If we do not pass this budget amended, the taxpayers of Harnett County would never have any reason to have faith in us again.

Also, on October 21, 2013 I presented a resolution stating the intent of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners was to use all proceeds from the 1/4 cent sales tax increase, if approved by the voters on November 5, 2013, would be placed into this capital reserve fund.  The 1/4 cent sales tax passed by a surprising margin.  The sales tax increase goes into effect on on April 1, 2014.  Money from these sales taxes should start flowing into the newly created capital reserve fund in May or June of 2014.  Funds generated should be able to make the annual payment on a new elementary school.

The revelation of a new Super Wal-Mart sending construction plans for a location on Highway 87 to the Harnett County planning department should make the annual payment on another new school.

Recognizing that our school needs are still overwhelming, I have asked our County Manager Tommy Burns to gather information on a bond referendum for new school construction to be presented at a future meeting.

Our needs are massive in Harnett County as far as our school needs go.  It will take everyone to come together to make sure that our school system can fulfill the needs of our youth and to provide each of them a seat, books, locker, etc.

Our kids are our future.

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